[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)]表情包特辑II:震惊修狗申请出战!Paddlehub制作一个简单的小表情 只因为在聊天群中多看了你一眼,直接把你“添加到表情”~
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)]如果你在运行项目时遇到paddlehub的问题
执行 pip install --upgrade paddlehub
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)]其实想法非常简单,分两步就好了第一步:缩放1.1 通过Paddlehub中的人脸检测模型检测出人脸,确定缩放的中心点
1.2 确定缩放之前的范围和最终的范围
1.3 根据前面得到的条件,施行缩放 faceCutRes, _ = DU.dodet(faceCut)resf = []if faceCutRes is None: print("No Face Detected! EXIT!")else: top = int(faceCutRes['top']) right = int(faceCutRes['right']) left = int(faceCutRes['left']) bottom = int(faceCutRes['bottom']) w = int((right - left) * rratio) h = int((bottom - top) * 0.6) if w > h: resw = 260 resh = int(h * 260 / w) else: resw = int(w * 260 / h) resh = 260 cx = int((right + left) / 2) cy = int((bottom + top) / 2) left = int(cx - w/2) right = int(cx + w/2) top = int(cy - h/2) bottom = int(cy + h/2) scaleW = imgW / w scaleH = imgH / h if scaleW > scaleH: finalScale = scaleH else: finalScale = scaleW newW, newH = int(w * finalScale), int(h * finalScale) if scaleW > scaleH: newW_2 = int(newW/2) if cx > newW_2 and cx < imgW - newW_2 - 1: bleft = cx - newW_2 bright = cx + newW_2 elif cx < newW_2: bleft = 0 bright = newW else: bleft = imgW - newW - 1 bright = imgW - 1 btop = 0 bbottom = imgH else: newH_2 = int(newH/2) if cy > newH_2 and cy < imgH - newH_2 - 1: btop = cy - newH_2 bbottom = cy + newH_2 elif cy < newH_2: btop = 0 bbottom = newH else: btop = imgH - newH - 1 bbottom = imgH - 1 bleft = 0 bright = imgW topi = np.linspace(0, top-btop, resizeFrame); bottomi = np.linspace(0, bbottom - bottom, resizeFrame); lefti = np.linspace(0, left-bleft, resizeFrame); righti = np.linspace(0, bright-right, resizeFrame); for rf in range(resizeFrame)[::-1]: timg = faceCut[int(top - topi[rf]):int(bottom + bottomi[rf]), int(left - lefti[rf]):int(right + righti[rf])] resf.append(Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(cv2.resize(timg, (resw, resh)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)))
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)]上面的DU是对PaddleHub人脸检测模型的简单封装,其实是二仙桥项目里直接copy过来的
代码放在这里 class detUtils(): def __init__(self): super(detUtils, self).__init__() self.lastres = None self.module = hub.Module(name="ultra_light_fast_generic_face_detector_1mb_320") def distance(self, a, b): return math.sqrt(math.pow(a[0]-b[0], 2) + math.pow(a[1]-b[1], 2)) def iou(self, bbox1, bbox2): b1left = bbox1['left'] b1right = bbox1['right'] b1top = bbox1['top'] b1bottom = bbox1['bottom'] b2left = bbox2['left'] b2right = bbox2['right'] b2top = bbox2['top'] b2bottom = bbox2['bottom'] area1 = (b1bottom - b1top) * (b1right - b1left) area2 = (b2bottom - b2top) * (b2right - b2left) w = min(b1right, b2right) - max(b1left, b2left) h = min(b1bottom, b2bottom) - max(b1top, b2top) dis = self.distance([(b1left+b1right)/2, (b1bottom+b1top)/2],[(b2left+b2right)/2, (b2bottom+b2top)/2]) if w <= 0 or h <= 0: return 0, dis iou = w * h / (area1 + area2 - w * h) return iou, dis def dodet(self, frame): result = self.module.face_detection(images=[frame], use_gpu=False) result = result[0]['data'] if isinstance(result, list): if len(result) == 0: return None, None if len(result) > 1: if self.lastres is not None: maxiou = -float('inf') maxi = 0 mind = float('inf') mini = 0 for index in range(len(result)): tiou, td = self.iou(self.lastres, result[index]) if tiou > maxiou: maxi = index maxiou = tiou if td < mind: mind = td mini = index if tiou == 0: return result[mini], result else: return result[maxi], result else: self.lastres = result[0] return result[0], result else: self.lastres = result[0] return result[0], result else: return None, None
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)]第二步:随机旋转加平移这部分我当时还看了一点前处理的相关代码
再直接通过下标的方式,截取我们需要的部分。 def Rotate(img, imgw, imgh, cx, cy, angle=3): new_H = int(imgw * fabs(sin(radians(angle))) + imgh * fabs(cos(radians(angle)))) new_W = int(imgh * fabs(sin(radians(angle))) + imgw * fabs(cos(radians(angle)))) M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cx, cy), angle, 1) # M[0, 2] += (new_W - imgw) / 2 # M[1, 2] += (new_H - imgh) / 2 res = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (new_W, new_H), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_REFLECT) return resfor i in range(10): res = Rotate(faceCut, imgW, imgH, cx, cy, angle=random.randint(-7, 7)) w_10 = int(w / 20) h_10 = int(h / 20) bx = random.randint(w_10-3, w_10) * (-1 if random.randint(0, 1) else 1) by = random.randint(h_10-3, h_10) * (-1 if random.randint(0, 1) else 1) res = cv2.copyMakeBorder(res, h_10, h_10, w_10, w_10, cv2.BORDER_REFLECT) timg = res[top + by + h_10:bottom + by + h_10, left + bx + w_10:right + bx + w_10] resf.append(Image.fromarray(cv2.cvtColor(cv2.resize(timg, (resw, resh)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)))
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)]使用非常简单直接通过face参数执行要处理的图片path python shakerdog.py --face xxx.png如果想指定输出的文件名字,则 python shakerdog.py --face xxx.png --filename yyy.gif会生成一个和yyy.gif的动图
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)]In [1]
!python shakerdog.py --face me2.jpeg
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)]下面有请为艺术献身的艺术家们登场!
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)]总结这个项目主要分为两部分
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)]个人简介百度飞桨开发者技术专家 PPDE
我在AI Studio上获得至尊等级,点亮10个徽章,来互关呀!!!
https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/personalcenter/thirdview/311006 B站ID: 玖尾妖熊
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.85)]其他趣味项目:使用关键点检测,开启一道传送门吧~这种触电的感觉是......结合关键点变身皮卡丘~继承火的意志,结合关键点检测玩个火吧~Padoodle: 使用人体关键点检测让涂鸦小人动起来使用关键点检测和分类模型改造体感愤怒的小鸟利用PaddleHub制作"王大陆"滤镜利用Paddlehub制作端午节体感小游戏熊猫头表情生成器[Wechaty+Paddlehub]如何变身超级赛亚人(一)--帅气的发型【AI创造营】是极客就坚持一百秒?在Aistudio,每个人都可以是影流之主[飞桨PaddleSeg]愣着干嘛?快来使用DQN划船啊利用PaddleSeg偷天换日~
原贴地址:https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistu ... ype=0&channel=0