Pro.ID21310 TitleNiven Numbers Title链接http:// AC57 Submit110 Ratio51.82% 时间&空间限制描述A Niven number is a number such that the sum of its digits divides itself. For example, 111 is a Niven number because the sum of its digits is 3, which divides 111. We can also specify a number in another base b, and a number in base b is a Niven number if the sum of its digits divides its value. Given b (2 ≤ b ≤ 10) and a number in base b, determine whether it is a Niven number or not. 输入Each line of input contains the base b, followed by a string of digits representing a positive integer in that base. There are no leading zeroes. The input is terminated by a line consisting of 0 alone. 输出Description A Niven number is a number such that the sum of its digits divides itself. For example, 111 is a Niven number because the sum of its digits is 3, which divides 111. We can also specify a number in another base b, and a number in base b is a Niven number if the sum of its digits divides its value. Given b (2 ≤ b ≤ 10) and a number in base b, determine whether it is a Niven number or not. Input Each line of input contains the base b, followed by a string of digits representing a positive integer in that base. There are no leading zeroes. The input is terminated by a line consisting of 0 alone. Output For each case, print "yes" on a line if the given number is a Niven number, and "no" otherwise. Sample Input 10 111 Sample Output yes Source 样例输入10 111 样例输出yes 作者 |