Pro.ID21432 TitleAverage is not Fast Enough Title链接http:// AC22 Submit69 Ratio31.88% 时间&空间限制描述A relay is a race for two or more teams of runners. Each member of a team runs one section of the race. Your task is to help to evaluate the results of a relay race. 输入The first line of the input specifies the number of sections n followed by the total distance of the relay d in kilometers. You may safely assume that 1 ≤ n ≤ 20 and 0.0 < d < 200.0. Every following line gives information about one team: the team number t (an integer, right-justified in a field of width 3) is followed by the n results for each section, separated by a single space. These running times are given in the format "h:mm:ss" with integer numbers for the hours, minutes and seconds, respectively. In the special case of a runner being disqualified, the running time will be denoted by "-:--:--". Finally, the data on every line is terminated by a newline character. Input is terminated by EOF. 输出Description A relay is a race for two or more teams of runners. Each member of a team runs one section of the race. Your task is to help to evaluate the results of a relay race. Input The first line of the input specifies the number of sections n followed by the total distance of the relay d in kilometers. You may safely assume that 1 ≤ n ≤ 20 and 0.0 < d < 200.0. Every following line gives information about one team: the team number t (an integer, right-justified in a field of width 3) is followed by the n results for each section, separated by a single space. These running times are given in the format "h:mm:ss" with integer numbers for the hours, minutes and seconds, respectively. In the special case of a runner being disqualified, the running time will be denoted by "-:--:--". Finally, the data on every line is terminated by a newline character. Input is terminated by EOF. Output For each team output exactly one line giving the team's number t right aligned in a field of width 3, and the average time for this team rounded to whole seconds in the format "m:ss". If at least one of the team's runners has been disqualified, output "-" instead. Adhere to the sample output for the exact format of presentation. Sample Input 2 12.5 Sample Output 5: 3:52 min/km Source 样例输入2 12.5 样例输出 5: 3:52 min/km 作者 |