Pro.ID21496 TitleAlaska Title链接http:// AC19 Submit32 Ratio59.38% 时间&空间限制描述
输入The input contains several scenario. Each scenario begins with a line containing n, a positive number indicating the number of charging stations. n lines follow, each giving the location of a filling station on the highway, including the one in Dawson City. The location is an integer between 0 and 1422, inclusive, indicating the distance in miles from Dawson Creek. No two filling stations are at the same location. A line containing 0 follows the last scenario. 输出Description
Input The input contains several scenario. Each scenario begins with a line containing n, a positive number indicating the number of charging stations. n lines follow, each giving the location of a filling station on the highway, including the one in Dawson City. The location is an integer between 0 and 1422, inclusive, indicating the distance in miles from Dawson Creek. No two filling stations are at the same location. A line containing 0 follows the last scenario. Output For each scenario, output a line containing POSSIBLE if Brenda can make the trip. Otherwise, output a line containing the word IMPOSSIBLE. Sample Input 2 Sample Output IMPOSSIBLE Source 样例输入2 样例输出IMPOSSIBLE 作者 |