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  • 描述

    Go is a strategic board game for two players. It is known as Weiqi in Chinese (Simplified:围棋), Igo or Go in Japanese, and Baduk in Korean (hangul) In this game, two players, Black and White, take turns placing a stone (game piece) of their own color on a vacant point (intersection) of the 19 * 19 line grid on a Go board. Black moves first. Once played, a stone may not be moved to a different point. Player may not pass his turn.

    Orthogonally adjacent stones of the same color form a chain (also called a group) that shares its liberties (see below) in common, cannot subsequently be subdivided, and in effect becomes a single larger stone. Only stones connected to one another by the lines on the board create a chain; stones that are diagonally adjacent are not connected. Chains may be expanded by playing additional stones on adjacent intersections or connected together by playing a stone on an intersection that is adjacent to two or more chains of the same color.

    A vacant point adjacent to a stone is called a liberty for that stone. Chains of stones share their liberties. A chain of stones must have at least one liberty to remain on the board. When a chain is surrounded by opposing stones so that it has no liberties, it is captured and removed from the board.

    Generally, it is not allowed to play a stone in such a way that one of your own chains is left without liberties. Such a move is dubbed suicide. An exception to this rule occurs if doing so captures one or more of the opponent's stones. In this case, the opponent's stones are captured first, leaving the newly played stone at least one liberty.

    —adapted from Wikipedia

    As a new worker in Company Go, your boss asked you to work out a Go player robot. After weeks of work, you find out that it's a mission of impossible. Not only that you are new to the field of artificial intelligence, but also the game of Go is rich in strategic complexity despite its simple rules.

    After discussing with your boss this morning, you decided to turn to an easier task, to visualize a Go game.


    Input consist of multiple test cases, each case specified a Go game. The first line of each case contains the title of the game (a non-empty string consists of no more than 80 characters, possibly containing white spaces).Then multiple lines follow, representing a list of instructions. Each line contains one or more instructions, separated by empty spaces. You should process these instructions in order. There are three kinds of instructions:

    Move: such instruction would be given in the format "(xi, yi)" with no extra empty characters among it. xi, yi both integers in the range of [1, 19]. The upper-left comer of the grid lies on (1, 1), while the x-axis is from up to bottom and y-axis from left to right. This instruction indicates some player trying to place one stone on the grid (xi, yi). Recall that both players move alternatively, the first move instruction in the list belongs to Black, and the second belongs to White, and so on. There are no more than 999 moves in a game, and all the moves are valid according to the rule of Go (suicide are also considered to be valid).

    Print: a string "print". When meet with this instruction, you should print out the manual since last print instruction. See output specification for detail.

    End: a string "end", indicating the end of the case. Such an instruction also implies a print instruction. No other instruction would be listed after this instruction in a game description.

    Input terminated by a line solely containing three asterisk "***". No game in the input has the title "***"



    Go is a strategic board game for two players. It is known as Weiqi in Chinese (Simplified:围棋), Igo or Go in Japanese, and Baduk in Korean (hangul) In this game, two players, Black and White, take turns placing a stone (game piece) of their own color on a vacant point (intersection) of the 19 * 19 line grid on a Go board. Black moves first. Once played, a stone may not be moved to a different point. Player may not pass his turn.

    Orthogonally adjacent stones of the same color form a chain (also called a group) that shares its liberties (see below) in common, cannot subsequently be subdivided, and in effect becomes a single larger stone. Only stones connected to one another by the lines on the board create a chain; stones that are diagonally adjacent are not connected. Chains may be expanded by playing additional stones on adjacent intersections or connected together by playing a stone on an intersection that is adjacent to two or more chains of the same color.

    A vacant point adjacent to a stone is called a liberty for that stone. Chains of stones share their liberties. A chain of stones must have at least one liberty to remain on the board. When a chain is surrounded by opposing stones so that it has no liberties, it is captured and removed from the board.

    Generally, it is not allowed to play a stone in such a way that one of your own chains is left without liberties. Such a move is dubbed suicide. An exception to this rule occurs if doing so captures one or more of the opponent's stones. In this case, the opponent's stones are captured first, leaving the newly played stone at least one liberty.

    —adapted from Wikipedia

    As a new worker in Company Go, your boss asked you to work out a Go player robot. After weeks of work, you find out that it's a mission of impossible. Not only that you are new to the field of artificial intelligence, but also the game of Go is rich in strategic complexity despite its simple rules.

    After discussing with your boss this morning, you decided to turn to an easier task, to visualize a Go game.


    Input consist of multiple test cases, each case specified a Go game. The first line of each case contains the title of the game (a non-empty string consists of no more than 80 characters, possibly containing white spaces).Then multiple lines follow, representing a list of instructions. Each line contains one or more instructions, separated by empty spaces. You should process these instructions in order. There are three kinds of instructions:

    Move: such instruction would be given in the format "(xi, yi)" with no extra empty characters among it. xi, yi both integers in the range of [1, 19]. The upper-left comer of the grid lies on (1, 1), while the x-axis is from up to bottom and y-axis from left to right. This instruction indicates some player trying to place one stone on the grid (xi, yi). Recall that both players move alternatively, the first move instruction in the list belongs to Black, and the second belongs to White, and so on. There are no more than 999 moves in a game, and all the moves are valid according to the rule of Go (suicide are also considered to be valid).

    Print: a string "print". When meet with this instruction, you should print out the manual since last print instruction. See output specification for detail.

    End: a string "end", indicating the end of the case. Such an instruction also implies a print instruction. No other instruction would be listed after this instruction in a game description.

    Input terminated by a line solely containing three asterisk "***". No game in the input has the title "***"


    For each game, you should print out the manuals in the format specified below.

    First, output one line in the format:

    Game [game number]: [game title]

    Game number starts at l.Then follows an empty line. Then for each print instruction in the instruction list, output a manual. For each manual, first output one line in the format (with two spaces padded at the front):

    Manual [Manual number]:

    For each game, manual number starts at 1. Then an empty line follows. Then follows 19 lines describe the current configuration of the board (as shown in the examples). Plus sign represents vacant intersection, and minus sign represents grid line. There are nine(9) special intersections oo

    the board (usually called star), namely (4, 4),(4, 10),(4, 16),(10, 4),(10, 10),(10, 16),(16, 4),(16, 10) and (16, 16). Vacant intersection of these positions should be marked with character "@".

    Each move is indicated by its label, a 3-digit number in square brackets (if it belongs to Black) or parenthesis (otherwise), say "[001]", "(002)", "[003]" ... etc. Moves are numbered begins at 1 for

    each game. Each move that doesn’t appear in the previous manual(s) should be described in this

    manual, by putting its label on the corresponding intersection. If two or more such moves occupying the same intersection, the most former one would be chosen.

    Then for each move described by a previous manual, if its relevant stone is still on the board (not has been captured), the corresponding intersection should be replace by a label "[===]" (if it belongs to Black) or "(***)" (otherwise).

    If one or more moves are suppressed for duplicated occupying an intersection, an empty line should be output, follow by a list of description of these moves, in the format:

    [Label] = [Position label]

    List five in a line, each with five spaces padded at the front. [Label] is the move’s label; (Position label] is the label of the move occupying the corresponding position.

    Output an empty line after each manual.

    After the last manual of a game, output a line:

    The game ends after [count] move(s).

    With two spaces padded at the front, where [count] equals the total number of moves in this game. Output an empty line after each game.

    See examples for proper alignment. Do not output unnecessary spaces after each line.

    Sample Input

    Just to show an empty board end
    << Chinese fuseki >>
    (4,16) (16,4) (16,17)
    (4,4) (17,5) end
    A real game in 1902 where white wins in the middle
    (4,17) (4,4) (17,16) (3,15) (16,3) (15,17)
    (5,16) (17,5) (11,17) (14,4) (16,5) (16,4)
    (15,4) (17,4) (15,3) (15,5) (14,5) (16,6)
    (15,6) (15,7) (16,5) (17,3) (15,5) (16,7)
    (11,3) (17,14) (16,14) (16,13) (15,14) (17,15)
    (16,16) (12,16) (11,16) (12,15) (11,15) (12,14)
    (15,16) (12,17) (11,14) (12,13) (14,17) (11,13)
    (10,13) (10,12) (9,13) (9,12) (8,13) (3,12)
    (16,11) (15,13) (17,8) (16,9) (17,12) (17,13)
    (17,9) (16,10) (17,10) (15,11) (18,7) (18,6)
    (18,12) (12,18) (14,7) (15,18) (14,18) (17,18)
    (14,15) (18,18) (18,16) (19,17) (18,13) (19,16)
    (18,15) (18,14) (19,15) (19,14) (15,19) (16,19)
    (16,17) (16,18) (18,19) (14,19) (13,19) (18,17)
    (15,19) (14,16) (13,16) (14,19) (14,13) (14,12)
    (15,19) (12,4) (14,19) (12,3) (19,19) (12,6)
    (14,9) (17,2) (15,10) (6,8) print (14,11)
    (15,12) (13,11) (14,14) (13,14) (13,13)
    (14,14) (13,12) (11,11) (11,12) (11,8) (12,8)
    (12,9) (13,8) (12,7) (13,7) (13,6) (13,5)
    (13,9) (14,6) (9,10) (8,12) (13,6) (11,7)
    (14,8) (14,6) (17,7) (17,6) (13,6) (12,19)
    (17,17) (14,6) (7,12) (8,10) (13,6) (16,15)
    (19,18) (14,6) (8,11) (10,10) (13,6) (17,19)
    (19,19) (14,6) (9,11) (10,11) (13,6) (15,15)
    (14,16) (14,6) (10,9) (9,9) (13,6) (13,15)
    (18,19) (14,6) (7,11) (10,0) (11,9) (9,8)
    (13,6) (19,18) (19,19) (14,6) end

    Sample Output

    Game 1: Just to show an empty board
    Manual 1:
      The game ends after 0 move(s).
    Game 2: <<>>
    Manual 1:
      The game ends alter 5 move(s).
    Game 3: A rail game in 1902 where white wins in the middle
    Manual 1:
    [021]=[011]      [023]=(016)     [085]=[077]     (088)=(082)     [091]=[077]
    Manual 2:
      +-- -+----+----+----+--(***)[===]--+----+----+----+--[===][===](***)[===][===](***)(***)[155]
    [107]=(104)     [123]=[117]     (126)=(120)     [129]=[117]     (132)=(120)
    [135]=[117]     (138)=(120)     [141]=[117]     (144)=(120)     [147]=[117]
    (150)=(120)     [153]=[117]     (156)=(120)     [161]=[117]     (162)=[137]
    [163]=[143]     (164)=(120)
    The game ends after 164 move(s).



    Just to show an empty board end
    << Chinese fuseki >>
    (4,16) (16,4) (16,17)
    (4,4) (17,5) end
    A real game in 1902 where white wins in the middle
    (4,17) (4,4) (17,16) (3,15) (16,3) (15,17)
    (5,16) (17,5) (11,17) (14,4) (16,5) (16,4)
    (15,4) (17,4) (15,3) (15,5) (14,5) (16,6)
    (15,6) (15,7) (16,5) (17,3) (15,5) (16,7)
    (11,3) (17,14) (16,14) (16,13) (15,14) (17,15)
    (16,16) (12,16) (11,16) (12,15) (11,15) (12,14)
    (15,16) (12,17) (11,14) (12,13) (14,17) (11,13)
    (10,13) (10,12) (9,13) (9,12) (8,13) (3,12)
    (16,11) (15,13) (17,8) (16,9) (17,12) (17,13)
    (17,9) (16,10) (17,10) (15,11) (18,7) (18,6)
    (18,12) (12,18) (14,7) (15,18) (14,18) (17,18)
    (14,15) (18,18) (18,16) (19,17) (18,13) (19,16)
    (18,15) (18,14) (19,15) (19,14) (15,19) (16,19)
    (16,17) (16,18) (18,19) (14,19) (13,19) (18,17)
    (15,19) (14,16) (13,16) (14,19) (14,13) (14,12)
    (15,19) (12,4) (14,19) (12,3) (19,19) (12,6)
    (14,9) (17,2) (15,10) (6,8) print (14,11)
    (15,12) (13,11) (14,14) (13,14) (13,13)
    (14,14) (13,12) (11,11) (11,12) (11,8) (12,8)
    (12,9) (13,8) (12,7) (13,7) (13,6) (13,5)
    (13,9) (14,6) (9,10) (8,12) (13,6) (11,7)
    (14,8) (14,6) (17,7) (17,6) (13,6) (12,19)
    (17,17) (14,6) (7,12) (8,10) (13,6) (16,15)
    (19,18) (14,6) (8,11) (10,10) (13,6) (17,19)
    (19,19) (14,6) (9,11) (10,11) (13,6) (15,15)
    (14,16) (14,6) (10,9) (9,9) (13,6) (13,15)
    (18,19) (14,6) (7,11) (10,0) (11,9) (9,8)
    (13,6) (19,18) (19,19) (14,6) end


    Game 1: Just to show an empty board
    Manual 1:
      The game ends after 0 move(s).
    Game 2: <<>>
    Manual 1:
      The game ends alter 5 move(s).
    Game 3: A rail game in 1902 where white wins in the middle
    Manual 1:
    [021]=[011]      [023]=(016)     [085]=[077]     (088)=(082)     [091]=[077]
    Manual 2:
      +-- -+----+----+----+--(***)[===]--+----+----+----+--[===][===](***)[===][===](***)(***)[155]
    [107]=(104)     [123]=[117]     (126)=(120)     [129]=[117]     (132)=(120)
    [135]=[117]     (138)=(120)     [141]=[117]     (144)=(120)     [147]=[117]
    (150)=(120)     [153]=[117]     (156)=(120)     [161]=[117]     (162)=[137]
    [163]=[143]     (164)=(120)
    The game ends after 164 move(s).







