Pro.ID21659 TitleMAX-2-SAT Title链接http:// AC0 Submit0 Ratio- 时间&空间限制描述In propositional logic, a variable pi may take values 0 (for false) or 1 (for true). A literal lj is a variable pi or its negation pi . A clause is a disjunction of literals, and a CNF formula is a conjunction of clauses. An assignment of truth values to the propositional variables satisfies a literal pi if pi takes the value 1 and satisfies a literal pi. if pi takes the value 0, satisfies a clause if it satisfies at least one literal of the clause, and satisfies a CNF formula if is satisfies all the clauses of the formula. The MAX-SAT problem for a CNF formula is the problem of finding an assignment of values to propositional variables that maximizes the number of satisfied clauses. When all the clauses have 2 literals per clause, it is called MAX-2-SAT. Now, you are asked to solve the MAX-2-SAT problem. 输入The first line of the input is a positive integer T ( 0 < T ≤ 20 ). T is the number of test cases followed. For each test case, the first line contains two integers N ( 1 < N < 31 ) and M ( 1 < M < 201 ). N is the number of variables and M is the number of clauses in the CNF formula. Then M clauses followed. Each of these clauses contains two integer x, y ( -N ≤ x, y ≤ N ) Positive numbers denote the corresponding variables. Negative numbers denote the negations of the corresponding variables. 输出Description In propositional logic, a variable pi may take values 0 (for false) or 1 (for true). A literal lj is a variable pi or its negation pi . A clause is a disjunction of literals, and a CNF formula is a conjunction of clauses. An assignment of truth values to the propositional variables satisfies a literal pi if pi takes the value 1 and satisfies a literal pi. if pi takes the value 0, satisfies a clause if it satisfies at least one literal of the clause, and satisfies a CNF formula if is satisfies all the clauses of the formula. The MAX-SAT problem for a CNF formula is the problem of finding an assignment of values to propositional variables that maximizes the number of satisfied clauses. When all the clauses have 2 literals per clause, it is called MAX-2-SAT. Now, you are asked to solve the MAX-2-SAT problem. Input The first line of the input is a positive integer T ( 0 < T ≤ 20 ). T is the number of test cases followed. For each test case, the first line contains two integers N ( 1 < N < 31 ) and M ( 1 < M < 201 ). N is the number of variables and M is the number of clauses in the CNF formula. Then M clauses followed. Each of these clauses contains two integer x, y ( -N ≤ x, y ≤ N ) Positive numbers denote the corresponding variables. Negative numbers denote the negations of the corresponding variables. Output For each test case output the maximum number of satisfied clauses in a single line. Sample Input 1 Sample Output 3 Source 样例输入1 样例输出3 作者 |