Pro.ID21822 TitleCount Cross Title链接http:// AC0 Submit0 Ratio- 时间&空间限制描述Given a MM×NN grid with different colors (black and white) on each cell, your task is to calculate the total amount of crosses of black color. We say there exists a black cross centered at the black cell (x, y) if there are four positive integer L, R, U, D that the cell (x, y-L), (x, y+R), (x-U, y), (x+D, y) are all black. Note that if two crosses have the same center but different L, R, U, D, we consider they are distinct. We use 1 to describe black. For example 00100 There are 16 black crosses. The MM and NN are large, so we divide the matrix into M×N rectangle blocks. If two cells are in the same block, their colors are same. So we can divide the sample into 4×3 blocks. 输入There are at most 100 cases. In every case, there are two integers, M, N in the first line. ( 1 ≤ M, N ≤ 50 ) The next line contains M positive integers which are less than or equals to 50. The p-th integer describe the p-th row block's height. The next line contains N positive integers which are less than or equals to 50. The p-th integer describe the p-th colomn block's width. The following M lines each has a string which contain N digits.The q-th digit in the p-th line describe the color of the q-th colomn block in the p-th row. 输出Description Given a MM×NN grid with different colors (black and white) on each cell, your task is to calculate the total amount of crosses of black color. We say there exists a black cross centered at the black cell (x, y) if there are four positive integer L, R, U, D that the cell (x, y-L), (x, y+R), (x-U, y), (x+D, y) are all black. Note that if two crosses have the same center but different L, R, U, D, we consider they are distinct. We use 1 to describe black. For example 00100 There are 16 black crosses. The MM and NN are large, so we divide the matrix into M×N rectangle blocks. If two cells are in the same block, their colors are same. So we can divide the sample into 4×3 blocks. Input There are at most 100 cases. In every case, there are two integers, M, N in the first line. ( 1 ≤ M, N ≤ 50 ) The next line contains M positive integers which are less than or equals to 50. The p-th integer describe the p-th row block's height. The next line contains N positive integers which are less than or equals to 50. The p-th integer describe the p-th colomn block's width. The following M lines each has a string which contain N digits.The q-th digit in the p-th line describe the color of the q-th colomn block in the p-th row. Output Output the answer to each case. Sample Input 4 3 Sample Output 16 Source 样例输入4 3 样例输出16 作者 |