Pro.ID21949 TitleRoller coaster fun Title链接http:// AC0 Submit0 Ratio- 时间&空间限制描述Jimmy and his friends like to visit large theme parks. In the current theme park there are many roller coasters which then are categorized by Jimmy. He assigns a fun value to each coaster; however, the fun decreases with each run. More formal: for a specific roller coaster i, Jimmy assigns two fun coefficients ai and bi. While riding this roller coaster for the k-th time, Jimmy gains a fun value of f(i, k) = ai - (k - 1)2* bi. If f(i, k) is non-positive, riding the roller coaster is no longer funny. Jimmy tries to maximize the total fun until he leaves the park. Can you tell Jimmy how much fun he can gain for a given time? 输入The input consists of a single test case. The first line contains the integer N, where N is the amount of different roller coasters in the theme park (0 < N ≤ 100). The following N lines contain the integers ai, bi and ti where ai and bi are the fun coefficients as specified above and ti is the time for a single ride with the i-th roller coaster (0 ≤ ai ≤ 1000; 0 ≤ bi ≤ 1000; 0 < ti ≤ 25000). The next line contains a positive integer Q denoting the number of times that Jimmy is visiting the park (0 ≤ Q ≤ 1000). Each of the following Q lines contains an integral time Ti that Jimmy spends during his i-th visit (0 ≤ Ti ≤ 25000). 输出Description Jimmy and his friends like to visit large theme parks. In the current theme park there are many roller coasters which then are categorized by Jimmy. He assigns a fun value to each coaster; however, the fun decreases with each run. More formal: for a specific roller coaster i, Jimmy assigns two fun coefficients ai and bi. While riding this roller coaster for the k-th time, Jimmy gains a fun value of f(i, k) = ai - (k - 1)2* bi. If f(i, k) is non-positive, riding the roller coaster is no longer funny. Jimmy tries to maximize the total fun until he leaves the park. Can you tell Jimmy how much fun he can gain for a given time? Input The input consists of a single test case. The first line contains the integer N, where N is the amount of different roller coasters in the theme park (0 < N ≤ 100). The following N lines contain the integers ai, bi and ti where ai and bi are the fun coefficients as specified above and ti is the time for a single ride with the i-th roller coaster (0 ≤ ai ≤ 1000; 0 ≤ bi ≤ 1000; 0 < ti ≤ 25000). The next line contains a positive integer Q denoting the number of times that Jimmy is visiting the park (0 ≤ Q ≤ 1000). Each of the following Q lines contains an integral time Ti that Jimmy spends during his i-th visit (0 ≤ Ti ≤ 25000). Output For each of the Q possible times, print one line containing the maximal total fun value if Jimmy spends Ti minutes in the theme park. Sample Input Sample #1 Sample Output Sample #1 Source 样例输入Sample #1 样例输出Sample #1 作者 |