Pro.ID22026 TitleName PK Title链接http:// AC1 Submit1 Ratio100.00% 时间&空间限制描述Name PK is a funny game on the Internet. The game will calculate character's property based on its name. Now we're simulating a simple Name PK game. Each character has 3 parameters: HP, STR and SPD (HP for health point, STR for strength and SPD for attacking speed). For a name string of length N, Ci is ASCII code (decimal) of the i-th char. PK rule: 1. Timer begins to increase from 1. When it is a multiple of (20-SPD), the corresponding character A has that SPD attack once, the opposite lose STR(A's) HP. 2. When any side has a HP ≤ 0, the PK is over. 输入The input consists of several test cases. The first line of input consists of an integer T, indicating the number of test cases. Each test case is on a separate line, and it consists two strings separated by a whitespace, indicating the name of the characters. Technical Specification 1. Names contain only English letters. 2. The length of each character’s name is more than 1 and no more than 20. 3. T ≤ 1000. 输出Description Name PK is a funny game on the Internet. The game will calculate character's property based on its name. Now we're simulating a simple Name PK game. Each character has 3 parameters: HP, STR and SPD (HP for health point, STR for strength and SPD for attacking speed). For a name string of length N, Ci is ASCII code (decimal) of the i-th char. PK rule: 1. Timer begins to increase from 1. When it is a multiple of (20-SPD), the corresponding character A has that SPD attack once, the opposite lose STR(A's) HP. 2. When any side has a HP ≤ 0, the PK is over. Input The input consists of several test cases. The first line of input consists of an integer T, indicating the number of test cases. Each test case is on a separate line, and it consists two strings separated by a whitespace, indicating the name of the characters. Technical Specification 1. Names contain only English letters. 2. The length of each character’s name is more than 1 and no more than 20. 3. T ≤ 1000. Output For each test case, output a line consisting of the result of the first character: "win", "lose" or "tie". Sample Input 3 Sample Output lose Source 样例输入3 样例输出lose 作者 |