Pro.ID10211 TitleHidden Password Title链接http:// AC2 Submit3 Ratio66.67% 时间&空间限制描述Sometimes the programmers have very strange ways of hiding their passwords. Billy "Hacker" Geits chooses a string S composed of L (5 ≤ L ≤ 100,000) lowercase letters ('a'..'z') with length L. Then he makes and sorts all L-1 one-letter left cyclic shifts of the string. He then takes as a password one prefix of the lexicographically first of the obtained strings (including S). For example consider the string "alabala". The sorted cyclic one-letter left shifts (including the initial string) are: aalabal Lexicographically, first string is 'aalabal'. The first letter of this string ('a') is the 'a' that was in position 6 in the initial string (counting the first letter in the string as position 0). Write a program that, for given string S, finds the start position of the first letter of the sorted list of cyclic shifts of the string. If the first element appears more than once in the sorted list, then the program should output the smallest possible initial position. 输入Line 1: A single integer: L Line 2..?: All L characters of the the string S, broken across lines such that each line has 72 characters except the last one, which might have fewer. 输出Description Sometimes the programmers have very strange ways of hiding their passwords. Billy "Hacker" Geits chooses a string S composed of L (5 ≤ L ≤ 100,000) lowercase letters ('a'..'z') with length L. Then he makes and sorts all L-1 one-letter left cyclic shifts of the string. He then takes as a password one prefix of the lexicographically first of the obtained strings (including S). For example consider the string "alabala". The sorted cyclic one-letter left shifts (including the initial string) are: aalabal Lexicographically, first string is 'aalabal'. The first letter of this string ('a') is the 'a' that was in position 6 in the initial string (counting the first letter in the string as position 0). Write a program that, for given string S, finds the start position of the first letter of the sorted list of cyclic shifts of the string. If the first element appears more than once in the sorted list, then the program should output the smallest possible initial position. Input Line 1: A single integer: L Line 2..?: All L characters of the the string S, broken across lines such that each line has 72 characters except the last one, which might have fewer. Output Line 1: A single integer that is the start position of the first letter, as described above. Sample Input 7 Sample Output 6 Source 样例输入7 样例输出6 作者 |