Pro.ID1554 TitleHire and Fire Title链接http:// AC0 Submit0 Ratio- 时间&空间限制描述In this problem, you are asked to keep track of the hierarchical structure of an organization's changing staff. As the first event in the life of an organization, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is named. Subsequently, any number of hires and fires can occur. Any member of the organization (including the CEO) can hire any number of direct subordinates, and any member of the organization (including the CEO) can be fired. The organization's hierarchical structure can be represented by a tree. Consider the example shown by Figure 1: When a member hires a new direct subordinate, the newly hired subordinate has lower seniority than any other direct subordinates of the same member. For example, if VonNeumann (in Figure 1) hires Shannon, then VonNeumann's direct subordinates are Tanenbaum, Dijkstra, and Shannon in order of decreasing seniority. When a member of the organization gets fired, there are two possible scenarios. If the victim (the person who gets fired) had no subordinates, then he/she will be simply dropped from the organization's hierarchy. If the victim had any subordinates, then his/her highest ranking (by seniority) direct subordinate will be promoted to fill the resulting vacancy. The promoted person will also inherit the victim's seniority. Now, if the promoted person also had some subordinates then his/her highest ranking direct subordinate will similarly be promoted, and the promotions will cascade down the hierarchy until a person having no subordinates has been promoted. In Figure 1, if Tanenbaum gets fired, then Stallings will be promoted to Tanenbaum's position and seniority, and Knuth will be promoted to Stallings' previous position and seniority. Figure 2 shows the hierarchy resulting from Figure 1 after (1) VonNeumann hires Shannon and (2) Tanenbaum gets fired: 输入The first line of the input contains only the name of the person who is initially the CEO. All names in the input file consist of 2 to 20 characters, which may be upper or lower case letters, apostrophes, and hyphens. (In particular, no blank spaces.) Each name contains at least one upper case and at least one lower case letter.
You may assume that at any time there is at least one member (who is the CEO) and no more than 1000 members in the organization. 输出Description In this problem, you are asked to keep track of the hierarchical structure of an organization's changing staff. As the first event in the life of an organization, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is named. Subsequently, any number of hires and fires can occur. Any member of the organization (including the CEO) can hire any number of direct subordinates, and any member of the organization (including the CEO) can be fired. The organization's hierarchical structure can be represented by a tree. Consider the example shown by Figure 1: When a member hires a new direct subordinate, the newly hired subordinate has lower seniority than any other direct subordinates of the same member. For example, if VonNeumann (in Figure 1) hires Shannon, then VonNeumann's direct subordinates are Tanenbaum, Dijkstra, and Shannon in order of decreasing seniority. When a member of the organization gets fired, there are two possible scenarios. If the victim (the person who gets fired) had no subordinates, then he/she will be simply dropped from the organization's hierarchy. If the victim had any subordinates, then his/her highest ranking (by seniority) direct subordinate will be promoted to fill the resulting vacancy. The promoted person will also inherit the victim's seniority. Now, if the promoted person also had some subordinates then his/her highest ranking direct subordinate will similarly be promoted, and the promotions will cascade down the hierarchy until a person having no subordinates has been promoted. In Figure 1, if Tanenbaum gets fired, then Stallings will be promoted to Tanenbaum's position and seniority, and Knuth will be promoted to Stallings' previous position and seniority. Figure 2 shows the hierarchy resulting from Figure 1 after (1) VonNeumann hires Shannon and (2) Tanenbaum gets fired: Input The first line of the input contains only the name of the person who is initially the CEO. All names in the input file consist of 2 to 20 characters, which may be upper or lower case letters, apostrophes, and hyphens. (In particular, no blank spaces.) Each name contains at least one upper case and at least one lower case letter.
You may assume that at any time there is at least one member (who is the CEO) and no more than 1000 members in the organization. Output For each print command, print the current hierarchy of the organization, assuming all hires and fires since the beginning of the input have been processed as explained above. Tree diagrams (such as those in Figures 1 and 2) are translated into textual format according to the following rules:
Sample Input VonNeumann
VonNeumann hires Tanenbaum
VonNeumann hires Dijkstra
Tanenbaum hires Stallings
Tanenbaum hires Silberschatz
Stallings hires Knuth
Stallings hires Hamming
Stallings hires Huffman
VonNeumann hires Shannon
fire Tanenbaum
fire Silberschatz
fire VonNeumann
print Sample Output VonNeumann
------------------------------------------------------------ Source 样例输入VonNeumann
VonNeumann hires Tanenbaum
VonNeumann hires Dijkstra
Tanenbaum hires Stallings
Tanenbaum hires Silberschatz
Stallings hires Knuth
Stallings hires Hamming
Stallings hires Huffman
VonNeumann hires Shannon
fire Tanenbaum
fire Silberschatz
fire VonNeumann
print 样例输出VonNeumann
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