FUN <- function(){ # 绘制房屋价格指数 plot(x = JP$Year, y = JP$Price, xlim = c(1970, 2015), ylim = c(20, 120), pch=16, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", col="blue", type="b", main = "House Price Index & Interest Rate in Japan from 1970 to 2015") # 左侧坐标轴 axis(2, ylim = c(20, 120), col="black", las=1) # 图示标签 text(1975, 28, labels = "House Price Index", col = "blue") # 左侧坐标轴标签,注意line参数调整位置 mtext("House Price Index (2010=100)", side=2, line=2.5) # 允许在同一张图上画第二条折现 par(new=TRUE) plot(x = JP$Year, y = JP$Interest, xlim = c(1970, 2015), ylim = c(0, 10), pch=16, axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", col="red", type="b", main = "House Price Index & Interest Rate in Japan from 1970 to 2015") axis(4, at = c(0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10), col="black", las=1) mtext("Interest Rate %)", side=4, line=1.3) text(1974, 7, labels = "Interest Rate", col = "red") # x轴标签 axis(1, at = c(1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015), col="black", las=2) } # 储存为svg(我这么认真画的图,导出为png品质那么低,强迫症不满意:P ) svg(filename="test.svg", width=12, height=8, pointsize=12) FUN() dev.off()
事实上这类简单图像用 STATA 画的话会简单且美观很多:
sysuse auto, clear scatter mpg weight || scatter price weight, yaxis(2)